Committee Volunteers

In order to accomplish the goals of the CCMP, each ETGM representative is asked to develop a rapport with local officials and/or participate in one of the following municipal groups:

• Conservation Commission
• Planning Board
• Board of Selectmen
• Board of Health
• Harbormaster
• Department of Public Works
• Citizen Committees (Open Space, Stormwater, Affordable Housing, Community Preservation, Shellfish Advisory, etc)

Because they are appointed, ETGM representatives share a responsibility to be active and proactive participants, serving as a liaison with community officials and citizens. The ETGM Committee elects a chairperson, who serves as a spokesperson for the group and who works closely with the coordinator to set program priorities, set meeting agendas and facilitate meetings.

If you love the Great Marsh and are interested in becoming a member of the ETGM Committee, please contact our Coastal Resources Coordinator, Peter Phippen.

Coastal Coordinator

Just as each ETGM representative serves as a liaison between ETGM and their local communities, the Coastal Coordinator serves as a liaison between ETGM and the two cosponsoring agencies, the Mass Bays Program and the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission. The Coordinator works to implement policy set out by the MBP and keep the Committee's goals and projects in line with the CCMP.  The coordinator assists communities with project development, grant-seeking, grant-writing and grant/project implementation, organizing workshops, putting together educational outreach materials, and coordinating site visits and meetings.  The Coordinator sets the agenda for and organizes monthly meetings, and facilitates dialogue and decision-making among members.  The Coordinator represents ETGM at meetings and works closely with federal and state agencies, local officials, and nonprofit organizations.